What it is: a report of survey results, summarized by target or location

Details: the Target Summary (CSAT) or Location Summary (Insta-Shops) is a tabular report with one line for each target or location that has at least one evaluation for this survey. Each line displays the target/location ID and name, the number of evaluations that were performed on that target/location, and the overall and sectional averages for all the target or location's evaluations. If your company only has one target or location, this report is not available. 

How to get it: to see the Target Summary or Location Summary, go to Results -> In-Depth Reports and then click the Target Summary tab (CSAT) or Location Summary tab (Insta-Shops).

Use this report to: 

  • Compare targets/location based on their survey results 
  • Drill down to see additional details for each target/location and its evaluations