Have you ever wished that you could offer a higher rate of pay at certain locations -- without creating a new batch? You can with batch pay bonuses!
Batch pay bonuses allow you to set a different pay and reimbursement for a group of locations within a batch. To explain this, let's use an example. Suppose you have created a batch that pays $10 for a shop. For some locations where it is more difficult to find shoppers, you want to offer a pay rate of $14 instead (and have that $14 advertised on the map pin, to incentivize shoppers to take these shops). To set this up, follow these steps:
- Set up a batch paying $10 per shop. This batch can have a batch group (i.e., the locations that can be shopped in this batch), but it does not have to.
- Create a location group that includes the locations for which you want to offer a bonus.
- Set a location group type on the new location group. To do this, follow these steps:
- Go to Setup -> Locations -> Location Group Types and click Add Group Type.
- Enter a descriptive name such as "Bonus groups" and click Create.
- Click Add/Remove Group Types on groups to add the type to your group.
- Select the group type that you created from the dropdown, enter the name of the bonus location group and click Next.
- On the next page, click Save to set the type on the group.
- Go to Setup -> Locations -> Location Group Types and click Add Group Type.
When you are finished with the setup, contact support ([email protected]) with the following information:
- Batch name (or ID)
- Bonus location group name
- Pay amount for bonus shops
- Reimbursement amount for bonus shops (if any)
We will configure the settings on the batch.
Do I need to do this for every batch where I want to offer a bonus?
It depends! If you are offering bonuses on the same locations in all batches, you do not need to do any of the steps above - just contact support with the details as described above when you have a new batch where you want to offer a bonus. If you want to offer bonuses for different locations in different batches, you need to create a new group for each batch where the locations are different. You don't need to create a new location group type for the new group, though - you can use the same location group type for all the bonus pay groups.